Freitag, 8. August 2008

Some little Detours

Suomussalmi - Ristijärvi ~ 80 km

Once more the day didn't end as I expected...

Once more I really didn't want to get out of my tent... there was still wind, and it reminded me on yesterday's stage... So, against my will I got up, and only at 11.30 I departed.

At Suomussalmi City I went to the supermarket for refill food supply ... and as everytime in this region I tried those Karelian Pirogg's (Piirakka) in several varieties... with rice, and potatoes, and with carrots... I like them very much, and as I'm at home now, I already googled for recipes...

Going along the street, somehow I got the feeling, I missed the street... My feeling was right, but it was only a small detour of 2 kilometers. Now, paying more attention to the road map, I found a street, that must have been the right one. As I (once more) took the bicycle path I didn't see the signs which cities are in this direction, but from the topography I thought, this one must be the right one. Looking always on the left (because there should come a branch-off (Abzweigung)) I went on. For some kilometers. For too much kilometers? Seems so... Once more my feeling told me, something isn't right. and once more my feeling was right. I really should trust my feelings; I should have learnt this on some previous holiday trips until now.

Only at kilometer 17 I had the proof: I'm on the right way! But I missed the branch-off... Having a look at the map I decided to go on, do a little detour in this direction, than having done a little detour and now going back the same route... All in all it was a detour of about 18 kilometers. It was nice going over there as well, but somehow it wasn't that motivating... (me getting lost... it's never motivating... ;o) ).

So now I had to decide what to do: Initially I wanted to go directly to Manamansalo, a semi-island in the lake Oulu, for visiting (and stay for overnight at) the national park over there. But with this detour and few motivation I decided to stop at Ristijärvi. So that would mean, a short stage for today, and a short stage for tomorrow. Ok.

As I suddenly had plenty of times, I decided to make a lunch break not just in the middle of nowhere next to the street, but to look for a nice place at the lake Hyrynjärvi. Just a little driving in direction of the lake (a very small detour, once more) after searching an adapted place [note while writing this: strange, now the right words come in italian to me, and I use a dicionary to translate them in german words for then using the dictionary to translate them in english...] only for a short while, I found the perfect place. (look pictures - no further comment)

In the evening, at the Camping at Ristijärvi, it was quite cold. Instead of drinking cold beer one is now drinking hot tea.

On this day, for the first time during my trip, somehow I was looking forward to arrive at home. Not in the sense: "When will I FINALLY be at home?!?" But in the sense: "Ok, I would enjoy if I came home now." All the worries were gone. A good sign for my life in Austria...

There was a wedding at the Restaurant of the camping, and it was much fun, hearing some tipical austrian waltz with finnish words... ;o) I thought, that is going to be a loooong evening. However, I got to bed quite early, even if I had a dance-itch to scratch ... all those foxtrott, tango, waltz, rumba, samba, jive....(of course all with finnish lyrics) my feet were moving to the beat of the music: while cooking, while having a shower, in my sleepingbag ... It's quite a long time ago, when I have danced the last time... But surprisingly the night wasn't that long. I got up in the night (too much tea...), at about 3 am, and it was over.

Click: about cliches: did you ever notice, that only one is carrying a backpack?

Finnland0740 Finnland0743
the perfect place for enjoying lunch

Just a tree stump somewhere next to the street. But what a funny form...

Click: Tree Stump

No, that's not sunset. that's only at about 6 pm...

... it's just a very strange light. That's the sun, not the moon...

As-salâmu 'alaikum

koerndl around the world

Adventure Marokko (2010)

As usual during summer I'm leaving for some adventures, this year I hope to find them in Marocco. With 3 friends and a LandRover I'm exploring once more a different culture. Leave with us!

Adventure China (2009)

This summer, one country, but some more time, some more km... once more, my bike, my tent and I, we are going to live and travel faaaaar way from home. Follow me ;)

Adventure Finland (2008)

In this summer I don't intended nothing else but going by bike from Helsinki to Northcape. In case of me having some Internet there might be some news.

Last Updates

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FIN-Greets while traveling
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