Dienstag, 26. August 2008


For all those, who didn't receive the Postcard, here the quiz:

Choose: true/false:

1. I really saw the solar eclipse!
2. I reached the northcape without foreign help (=train, bus, etc.)
3. Against all announcement I HAD to get off my bike to push it, because it was that steep.
4. I already know more than 100 finnish words
5. I was more than 90 % of the time in Finnland.

"Guesstimation" =Schätzfrage:
How many reindeers and mooses did I see until the northcape?

The answers:
1. false
as everybody told me: there were too much clouds.
As Itold everybody: I expected that and wasn't disappointed.
2. true.
I'm glad, that I didn't take the train right at Helsinki as some people proposed me to do ;)
3. false
me? getting off the bike? never!
4. true
and with the numbers it's even 200 words... :)
5. false
31 days = 100 %
3,1 days = 10 % = 3 days, 2 hours, 24 mins
As I was 3 days and approx. 17 h in Norway, i spend more than 10 % in Norway, and therefore less then 90 % in Finnland.

Guesstimation: 192 reindeers (without the two, that I ate...)

As-salâmu 'alaikum

koerndl around the world

Adventure Marokko (2010)

As usual during summer I'm leaving for some adventures, this year I hope to find them in Marocco. With 3 friends and a LandRover I'm exploring once more a different culture. Leave with us!

Adventure China (2009)

This summer, one country, but some more time, some more km... once more, my bike, my tent and I, we are going to live and travel faaaaar way from home. Follow me ;)

Adventure Finland (2008)

In this summer I don't intended nothing else but going by bike from Helsinki to Northcape. In case of me having some Internet there might be some news.

Last Updates

Moving to...
As I don't have enough space for blogging on here (3...
koerndl - 2. Jul, 15:34
Up and Away
Helsinki Vantaa - Järvenpää Here we go! After spending...
koerndl - 25. Feb, 10:34
Lots of Lakes
Asikkala - Korpilahti ~130 km I got up early this...
koerndl - 25. Feb, 10:33
Trapped in Tikkakoski
Korpilahti - Äänekoski ~100 km After my experience...
koerndl - 25. Feb, 10:32

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FIN-Greets while traveling
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