Mittwoch, 19. August 2009


Hey there,

since I left Chengdu, I was in the middle of the nature - yeah, finally :)

After a horrible bus trip (instead of 8h 14h - due to earthquake (once more) and landslide right that day) I arrived at Songpan. The next day I started a three-day-horse-trip to the IceMountain together with a dutch and a norwegian couple. Nice! The couples and the riding and the natue. For the first time contact with tibetian culture: the first chorten, stupas, monks.

After that I decided to go to Langmusi, and Yuval and Zack decided to go with me. So our very international Trio went on together. The tibetian monastery over there was really amazing! The next day we hiked into the gorge, put up Zacks tent and went to explore the peak of one of the surrouding mountains. Beautiful! The night in the 2person-tent was much warmer than expected, as I sent home my sleeping bag 5 days ago... *sigh* whatever I do, I do it wrong. The stars were amazing as we were in a valley where there was absolutley no light. Next day hike out, our ways separeted: I went on to Xiahe, to visit the most important tibetian Monastery outside of Lhasa, they continued to in research of less touristic places.

And here I am now. this was only the very, very short version, I will extend the story afterwards, but I still want some things to do apart internet. just to let you know, I'm fine.

Some pictures will follow.

Tomorrow going to Xining, buying trainticket (drueckt mir die Daumen), continuing to lake qinghaihu.

See you soon (return is on 31st, august). Looking forward, still...

murtl (Gast) - 19. Aug, 22:48


echt geile bilder! lg

koerndl - 23. Aug, 15:35


*rot werd*
Dagmar (Gast) - 21. Aug, 09:06

Wow, wow, wow

Deine Bilder sind ein Traum.. ich freu mich, dass es dir besser gefällt und du auch durch die anderen Eindrücke und Erlebnisse wieder etwas Motivation gefunden hast. :-)

lg Dagmar

PS: Bei uns ist es heiß und wienerisch und naja.. so wie immer...
PPS: Unser Krimi geht gut voran.. morgen ist der Event und wir sind seeeehr neugierig..
PPPS: Ich freue mich, wenn dich auch wieder persönlich sehe, obwohl ich unseren Skype-Abend sehr genossen habe. ;-)

koerndl - 23. Aug, 15:37


Ja, jetzt gefaellt es mir wieder.
Bei mir ists dafuer kalt. Hoch oben halt...
Hoffe, euer Krimi ist gut gelaufen! ich werd euch noch loecher in den Bauch fragen...
Bis bald!
koerndl - 23. Aug, 15:40

An euch beide:

Wollt ihr wirklich was zum Essen aus China?
Ich hab ausfindig gemacht, wo man Schlangen und Skorpione kaufen und essen kann.
Wie auch immer ihr euch entscheidet, ihr muesst bedenken, dass die Kuehlkette fuer mindestens 30h unterbrochen ist.
Wollt ihr das? Was wollt ihr dann? MAO .. am :D

murtl (Gast) - 26. Aug, 19:42

Nein. War nur ein Spaß. Brauchst nichts mitbringen.
koerndl - 27. Aug, 16:31

ich haetts gemacht.


aber ich glaub, selbst kochen ist besser... :)

As-salâmu 'alaikum

koerndl around the world

Adventure Marokko (2010)

As usual during summer I'm leaving for some adventures, this year I hope to find them in Marocco. With 3 friends and a LandRover I'm exploring once more a different culture. Leave with us!

Adventure China (2009)

This summer, one country, but some more time, some more km... once more, my bike, my tent and I, we are going to live and travel faaaaar way from home. Follow me ;)

Adventure Finland (2008)

In this summer I don't intended nothing else but going by bike from Helsinki to Northcape. In case of me having some Internet there might be some news.

Last Updates

Moving to...
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Trapped in Tikkakoski
Korpilahti - Äänekoski ~100 km After my experience...
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FIN-Greets while traveling
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