Dienstag, 12. August 2008

Last (?) Entry


finally I find a little time to finish my finnish blog...

12. August:

Helsinki City ... wow, 3 days City-feeling.
As I arranged my day today with Linnéa, we got up and had breakfast together. After this we went to the city-center by bike: Linnéa borrowed a bike at the campsite.
Weather was fine, we parked our bikes at the cathedral, and continued by foot. Just strolling around, to the harbour, the market hall (of course...) along the coast. Just for exploring the city by chance.

We had a walk through the exclusive residential area (Villenviertel. translation (c) by dict.leo.org), talking about this and that, watching the Islands in front of the coast, with their small houses, that don't need a fence at all... no sign "Privat Property - Entrance prohibited" just the sea around ... *sigh* (this time because of joy and longing (envie) ;) )
We continued our walk through the district of design, as we both like design. unfortunately a little disappointing.
in the afternoon we went to the other maket hall, a little bit northern. I loved this one even more, because it had two floors, and in the upper floor was a very cosy café, where we sat down, ate a kanelpullar (always the same for me) and drank some coffee for having a little rest. after this, we separated in the afternoon to meet friends.

I made an appointment with David (the one I met in the Bus to lake Inari), at the market hall (some more fotos ... ;) ). We went to Suomenlinna, the fortress onto an Island. David told me stories about the history of Helsinki, very intresting. Unfortunately I don't know much about history, one of my weak points...
During the return by boat he told me: "I guess you know which houses you can see over there..."
Hmmm, me, having a look, answerd: "Yes, I know: this is a red house, this a green one, and this is house is yellow"
I guess, not the answer David expected, because those houses were quite important (like parliament or something like that...), but as for me never the function of a house is important, but its aspect, I don't remember at all...

After this, David took me to a bar onto a tower. Great view of Helsinki. Having a beer, sitting in the dusk, talking about life, universe and all the rest. In the meanwhile it started raining, and we went to Zetor, to have dinner. What is Zetor <- This is one photo. Zetor is an old tractor label, and this restaurant wants to reproduce farm of the 50ties. The interieur is funny, the food is excellent, and the menu ... a real pleasure! it is soooo funny reading it! I orderd: "Have you seen the rein, dear?" (Yes, I LOVE playing with words...). It was definitively a "once in your life"-dinner, but it was worth the money: Reindeer-filet, perfectly prepared! mhmmm!

Due to the rain and the company of david, we took both the metro to return to the camping, as David lives 5 min to my tent ;) Once more it got late to go to bed...

13. August:

The weather wasn't that bad as announced. I thought, I would spend the whole days into museums (as I like to go to museums as well) but it wasn't necessary. I just cruised around in the city with my bike, and finally I decided to have a "trip" to the eastern side of Helsinki, where I havn't been before. there was a third market hall (hm, ja, but quite disappointing this time, because it was a second-hand-maket of rummage (Ramsch), but as well with a little café), a harbour as well, and the Cable Fabrik, an old manufacture hall (yes, I don't like only market halls, but also old factory halls).

In this ex-factory there is a little cafeteria, in which I had an appointment with David again. the ambiente was nice, the food really good, and the self-made-bread marvellous!

Because of the rain (and because of couriosity) I accompanied David to his office (where he was all alone that day) and enjoyed a special presentation of the Fog Screen (Pictures/Films can be projected to a screen made of fog).

In the afternoon strolling around, making pictures, but until now no "important" sights. Also a little shopping in the afternoon (due to the rain, of course, and I needed a finnish book for my collection of forein-language-books ;) ). While going back to the camping i took for the 4th time another way... I guess I will never find the right way.

Because of "Ticket to ride - menolippu", that I bought for a friend at the way back, I 1) had a hurting bruise on my back and 2) arrived too late for my appointment with David... but that's what friends are for :) isn't it?

In the bus to Inari David told me about a film called "Reise nach Inari" (Journey to Inari). today we wanted to watch this film. So having dinner, watching the film and laughing about all sceneries that you only know when you have been to Finnland, listening and telling stories about trips and life in Finnland, drinking 2 bottles of austrian wine, laughing a lot, the time passed very, very fast, and at 3 am I went back to the campsite, glad not to have to get up in the morning.

14. August

Last day of Helsinki: Tomorrow I have to go to the airport, no sightseeing possible...

That means: finally I should see the "important" sights of Helsinki, like the old stone church, the russian-orthodox church, the "Jugendstil"penisle. So today sightseeing. Of course by bike, and of course in my style: rarley intrested in dates and facts, but amazed by aspect.

Than I still had the task to find postcards... Because of my Quiz, that I intended to send, like I did on my trip through Sweden. Since two days I was desperately looking for nice postcards. It's difficult to find postcards who can express the feeling of one month travelling by bike. Just Helsinki isn't enough...

For lunch for the last time Pirokki, in the afternoon for the last time Kahvila (café), where I wrote adresses onto the postcards. Even later for the last time the harbour, the sea... with a very long stop, where I finally wrote my postcards... wind in my hair, sun in my face, pen in my fingers, and thoughts in my past. and future.

Even later, the last rain in Finnland. At least for me. It was 5 minutes heavily raining, I got quite wet, but at the same time sun was shining bright, and that means, one could see a marvellous rainbow. A nice way to say goodbye.

Back at the camping I remet Linnéa, we had an appointment for cooking together, (of course...) for the last time ;). It was a nice evening, and once more it got late.

15. August:

The next day... the last day...

Packing toghether was quite a task, because of spending 4 nights in the same place, I didn't keep in order my things. And it was also a task to NOT take all the "true bugs" (Wanzen, punaise, cimici) with my things. They drove me crazy also the other days, because seemingly they like very much rills and folds to hide, especially the ones on my tent: in the strap where the tent poles were fixed, and where there was hidden the zip, there hid also the bugs. so every time I opened my tent I had to make efforts to keep them outside. As much as I love animals and nature, as much I hate the smell of bugs *wäh*. It took quite a long time removing them all ... well, all ... I found two at my return at Brunn, still alive...

Then going "back" to the airport. Fortunately there were good maps available at the campings reception. Fortunately I marked a "waypoint" on my GPS on arrival. This time the good idea came at the right moment ;)

I started quite early to NOT miss the plane. Having a look at the tyres I was afraid, that I could have a flat tyre on my way to the airport. But nope, I didn't. My bike survived this trip without serious problems. Thanks, thanks, thanks.

At the airport.
How to check-in my bike? Always the same questions. But this time the answer was quite easy: Remove the paddels, if possible; turn the handle bar and remove air from tyres. I bought an "open-ended wrench" (Gabelschlüssel) in the correct size ;) in Helsinki to remove paddels, but as they told me "if possible" I renounced to try. handle bar and tyres - no problem. I packed all tools into the luggage, because I wanted to keep them longer than until the Check of Hand-Luggage...
Checked-in the bags I told the girl about the bike. The other one, that I didn't ask before, because the one who told me about how to prepare my bike was busy. So the other one told me to remove the paddles... haha... As I told her, I can't do anymore, because my tools are checked-in, she was quite impolite. But, sorry, not my fault.

two more hours waiting for my flight. having the very, very last kanelpullar at the café, I was resuming my trip. It was a great month. I learned a lot of things. about myself, about consistency, about persistency (Konsequenz und Hartnäckigkeit). hopefully I can use these experiences also for my life as teacher. and not only...

Flying back to Vienna was long. also because of strong contrary wind. but this time, it wasn't my problem ;) but we arrived with delay, in the middle of heavy rains, the plane was "jumping" through the air, and I was glad, when we touched ground. Right in this moment, sun and rain = rainbow. *sigh*

And like this a whole new experience finished, that will stay in my mind for a long time.

No better title came to mind, so it's just called: Helsinki...

While waiting for my dinner to finish I decided to publish the last fotos I prepared some time ago. They were waiting just for the stories, but I guess those will arrive some time later...

I hope you enjoy the photos also without....


First stop (nearly): Kauppahalli (market hall). Im crazy for those (imagine me beeing in Spain...)

Sometimes I wish I could change place with this sea gull, for the view of the harbour

The habour with perfect weather.

Eine Gegenlichtgans! (Not translateable in english ... just a recording of Interrail 2000...)

a place where finns wash their carpets in a detailed view


very nice barrier of a building site

I noticed the graffito only at home at the computer...

Der nächste Drink geht aufs Haus!
(Literally: "The next drink goes onto the House" = The next drink is for free...)

i just liked form and colour... and contrast

Finnland0969 Finnland0975
Just trials

one more Kaupahalli

The biggest russian-ortodox church outside of Russia - what a pity, it was closed...

The cathedral of Helsinki (photo taken at the russian church)

fascinated by colours and form - once more...

Helsinki ambulance- and fire-station... Will auch...

detail of ceiling into the Felsenkirche (stone curch)

At the harbour, where I wrote my postcards...

Last impressions of Helsinki... Seems like the rainbow colours the house...

Last ride: I guess that means: "Change tires - Exclamation Mark"

As-salâmu 'alaikum

koerndl around the world

Adventure Marokko (2010)

As usual during summer I'm leaving for some adventures, this year I hope to find them in Marocco. With 3 friends and a LandRover I'm exploring once more a different culture. Leave with us!

Adventure China (2009)

This summer, one country, but some more time, some more km... once more, my bike, my tent and I, we are going to live and travel faaaaar way from home. Follow me ;)

Adventure Finland (2008)

In this summer I don't intended nothing else but going by bike from Helsinki to Northcape. In case of me having some Internet there might be some news.

Last Updates

Moving to...
As I don't have enough space for blogging on here (3...
koerndl - 2. Jul, 15:34
Up and Away
Helsinki Vantaa - Järvenpää Here we go! After spending...
koerndl - 25. Feb, 10:34
Lots of Lakes
Asikkala - Korpilahti ~130 km I got up early this...
koerndl - 25. Feb, 10:33
Trapped in Tikkakoski
Korpilahti - Äänekoski ~100 km After my experience...
koerndl - 25. Feb, 10:32

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FIN-Greets while traveling
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