No better title came to mind, so it's just called: Helsinki...
While waiting for my dinner to finish I decided to publish the last fotos I prepared some time ago. They were waiting just for the stories, but I guess those will arrive some time later...
I hope you enjoy the photos also without....

First stop (nearly): Kauppahalli (market hall). Im crazy for those (imagine me beeing in Spain...)

Sometimes I wish I could change place with this sea gull, for the view of the harbour

The habour with perfect weather.

Eine Gegenlichtgans! (Not translateable in english ... just a recording of Interrail 2000...)

a place where finns wash their carpets in a detailed view

very nice barrier of a building site

I noticed the graffito only at home at the computer...

Der nächste Drink geht aufs Haus!
(Literally: "The next drink goes onto the House" = The next drink is for free...)

i just liked form and colour... and contrast

Just trials

one more Kaupahalli

The biggest russian-ortodox church outside of Russia - what a pity, it was closed...

The cathedral of Helsinki (photo taken at the russian church)

fascinated by colours and form - once more...

Helsinki ambulance- and fire-station... Will auch...

detail of ceiling into the Felsenkirche (stone curch)

At the harbour, where I wrote my postcards...

Last impressions of Helsinki... Seems like the rainbow colours the house...

Last ride: I guess that means: "Change tires - Exclamation Mark"
I hope you enjoy the photos also without....

First stop (nearly): Kauppahalli (market hall). Im crazy for those (imagine me beeing in Spain...)

Sometimes I wish I could change place with this sea gull, for the view of the harbour

The habour with perfect weather.

Eine Gegenlichtgans! (Not translateable in english ... just a recording of Interrail 2000...)

a place where finns wash their carpets in a detailed view

very nice barrier of a building site

I noticed the graffito only at home at the computer...

Der nächste Drink geht aufs Haus!
(Literally: "The next drink goes onto the House" = The next drink is for free...)

i just liked form and colour... and contrast

Just trials

one more Kaupahalli

The biggest russian-ortodox church outside of Russia - what a pity, it was closed...

The cathedral of Helsinki (photo taken at the russian church)

fascinated by colours and form - once more...

Helsinki ambulance- and fire-station... Will auch...

detail of ceiling into the Felsenkirche (stone curch)

At the harbour, where I wrote my postcards...

Last impressions of Helsinki... Seems like the rainbow colours the house...

Last ride: I guess that means: "Change tires - Exclamation Mark"
koerndl - 12. Aug, 00:00