
Dienstag, 12. August 2008

Last (?) Entry


finally I find a little time to finish my finnish blog...

12. August:

Helsinki City ... wow, 3 days City-feeling.
As I arranged my day today with Linnéa, we got up and had breakfast together. After this we went to the city-center by bike: Linnéa borrowed a bike at the campsite.
Weather was fine, we parked our bikes at the cathedral, and continued by foot. Just strolling around, to the harbour, the market hall (of course...) along the coast. Just for exploring the city by chance.

We had a walk through the exclusive residential area (Villenviertel. translation (c) by, talking about this and that, watching the Islands in front of the coast, with their small houses, that don't need a fence at all... no sign "Privat Property - Entrance prohibited" just the sea around ... *sigh* (this time because of joy and longing (envie) ;) )
We continued our walk through the district of design, as we both like design. unfortunately a little disappointing.
in the afternoon we went to the other maket hall, a little bit northern. I loved this one even more, because it had two floors, and in the upper floor was a very cosy café, where we sat down, ate a kanelpullar (always the same for me) and drank some coffee for having a little rest. after this, we separated in the afternoon to meet friends.

I made an appointment with David (the one I met in the Bus to lake Inari), at the market hall (some more fotos ... ;) ). We went to Suomenlinna, the fortress onto an Island. David told me stories about the history of Helsinki, very intresting. Unfortunately I don't know much about history, one of my weak points...
During the return by boat he told me: "I guess you know which houses you can see over there..."
Hmmm, me, having a look, answerd: "Yes, I know: this is a red house, this a green one, and this is house is yellow"
I guess, not the answer David expected, because those houses were quite important (like parliament or something like that...), but as for me never the function of a house is important, but its aspect, I don't remember at all...

After this, David took me to a bar onto a tower. Great view of Helsinki. Having a beer, sitting in the dusk, talking about life, universe and all the rest. In the meanwhile it started raining, and we went to Zetor, to have dinner. What is Zetor <- This is one photo. Zetor is an old tractor label, and this restaurant wants to reproduce farm of the 50ties. The interieur is funny, the food is excellent, and the menu ... a real pleasure! it is soooo funny reading it! I orderd: "Have you seen the rein, dear?" (Yes, I LOVE playing with words...). It was definitively a "once in your life"-dinner, but it was worth the money: Reindeer-filet, perfectly prepared! mhmmm!

Due to the rain and the company of david, we took both the metro to return to the camping, as David lives 5 min to my tent ;) Once more it got late to go to bed...

13. August:

The weather wasn't that bad as announced. I thought, I would spend the whole days into museums (as I like to go to museums as well) but it wasn't necessary. I just cruised around in the city with my bike, and finally I decided to have a "trip" to the eastern side of Helsinki, where I havn't been before. there was a third market hall (hm, ja, but quite disappointing this time, because it was a second-hand-maket of rummage (Ramsch), but as well with a little café), a harbour as well, and the Cable Fabrik, an old manufacture hall (yes, I don't like only market halls, but also old factory halls).

In this ex-factory there is a little cafeteria, in which I had an appointment with David again. the ambiente was nice, the food really good, and the self-made-bread marvellous!

Because of the rain (and because of couriosity) I accompanied David to his office (where he was all alone that day) and enjoyed a special presentation of the Fog Screen (Pictures/Films can be projected to a screen made of fog).

In the afternoon strolling around, making pictures, but until now no "important" sights. Also a little shopping in the afternoon (due to the rain, of course, and I needed a finnish book for my collection of forein-language-books ;) ). While going back to the camping i took for the 4th time another way... I guess I will never find the right way.

Because of "Ticket to ride - menolippu", that I bought for a friend at the way back, I 1) had a hurting bruise on my back and 2) arrived too late for my appointment with David... but that's what friends are for :) isn't it?

In the bus to Inari David told me about a film called "Reise nach Inari" (Journey to Inari). today we wanted to watch this film. So having dinner, watching the film and laughing about all sceneries that you only know when you have been to Finnland, listening and telling stories about trips and life in Finnland, drinking 2 bottles of austrian wine, laughing a lot, the time passed very, very fast, and at 3 am I went back to the campsite, glad not to have to get up in the morning.

14. August

Last day of Helsinki: Tomorrow I have to go to the airport, no sightseeing possible...

That means: finally I should see the "important" sights of Helsinki, like the old stone church, the russian-orthodox church, the "Jugendstil"penisle. So today sightseeing. Of course by bike, and of course in my style: rarley intrested in dates and facts, but amazed by aspect.

Than I still had the task to find postcards... Because of my Quiz, that I intended to send, like I did on my trip through Sweden. Since two days I was desperately looking for nice postcards. It's difficult to find postcards who can express the feeling of one month travelling by bike. Just Helsinki isn't enough...

For lunch for the last time Pirokki, in the afternoon for the last time Kahvila (café), where I wrote adresses onto the postcards. Even later for the last time the harbour, the sea... with a very long stop, where I finally wrote my postcards... wind in my hair, sun in my face, pen in my fingers, and thoughts in my past. and future.

Even later, the last rain in Finnland. At least for me. It was 5 minutes heavily raining, I got quite wet, but at the same time sun was shining bright, and that means, one could see a marvellous rainbow. A nice way to say goodbye.

Back at the camping I remet Linnéa, we had an appointment for cooking together, (of course...) for the last time ;). It was a nice evening, and once more it got late.

15. August:

The next day... the last day...

Packing toghether was quite a task, because of spending 4 nights in the same place, I didn't keep in order my things. And it was also a task to NOT take all the "true bugs" (Wanzen, punaise, cimici) with my things. They drove me crazy also the other days, because seemingly they like very much rills and folds to hide, especially the ones on my tent: in the strap where the tent poles were fixed, and where there was hidden the zip, there hid also the bugs. so every time I opened my tent I had to make efforts to keep them outside. As much as I love animals and nature, as much I hate the smell of bugs *wäh*. It took quite a long time removing them all ... well, all ... I found two at my return at Brunn, still alive...

Then going "back" to the airport. Fortunately there were good maps available at the campings reception. Fortunately I marked a "waypoint" on my GPS on arrival. This time the good idea came at the right moment ;)

I started quite early to NOT miss the plane. Having a look at the tyres I was afraid, that I could have a flat tyre on my way to the airport. But nope, I didn't. My bike survived this trip without serious problems. Thanks, thanks, thanks.

At the airport.
How to check-in my bike? Always the same questions. But this time the answer was quite easy: Remove the paddels, if possible; turn the handle bar and remove air from tyres. I bought an "open-ended wrench" (Gabelschlüssel) in the correct size ;) in Helsinki to remove paddels, but as they told me "if possible" I renounced to try. handle bar and tyres - no problem. I packed all tools into the luggage, because I wanted to keep them longer than until the Check of Hand-Luggage...
Checked-in the bags I told the girl about the bike. The other one, that I didn't ask before, because the one who told me about how to prepare my bike was busy. So the other one told me to remove the paddles... haha... As I told her, I can't do anymore, because my tools are checked-in, she was quite impolite. But, sorry, not my fault.

two more hours waiting for my flight. having the very, very last kanelpullar at the café, I was resuming my trip. It was a great month. I learned a lot of things. about myself, about consistency, about persistency (Konsequenz und Hartnäckigkeit). hopefully I can use these experiences also for my life as teacher. and not only...

Flying back to Vienna was long. also because of strong contrary wind. but this time, it wasn't my problem ;) but we arrived with delay, in the middle of heavy rains, the plane was "jumping" through the air, and I was glad, when we touched ground. Right in this moment, sun and rain = rainbow. *sigh*

And like this a whole new experience finished, that will stay in my mind for a long time.

No better title came to mind, so it's just called: Helsinki...

While waiting for my dinner to finish I decided to publish the last fotos I prepared some time ago. They were waiting just for the stories, but I guess those will arrive some time later...

I hope you enjoy the photos also without....


First stop (nearly): Kauppahalli (market hall). Im crazy for those (imagine me beeing in Spain...)

Sometimes I wish I could change place with this sea gull, for the view of the harbour

The habour with perfect weather.

Eine Gegenlichtgans! (Not translateable in english ... just a recording of Interrail 2000...)

a place where finns wash their carpets in a detailed view


very nice barrier of a building site

I noticed the graffito only at home at the computer...

Der nächste Drink geht aufs Haus!
(Literally: "The next drink goes onto the House" = The next drink is for free...)

i just liked form and colour... and contrast

Finnland0969 Finnland0975
Just trials

one more Kaupahalli

The biggest russian-ortodox church outside of Russia - what a pity, it was closed...

The cathedral of Helsinki (photo taken at the russian church)

fascinated by colours and form - once more...

Helsinki ambulance- and fire-station... Will auch...

detail of ceiling into the Felsenkirche (stone curch)

At the harbour, where I wrote my postcards...

Last impressions of Helsinki... Seems like the rainbow colours the house...

Last ride: I guess that means: "Change tires - Exclamation Mark"

Montag, 11. August 2008

That's it...

Iisalmi - Lapinlahti ~ 30 km

I was euphoric just in the morning: My neighbours woke me up, and sun was shining... I got up and started at 10 am!

The plan was: Stop at Iisalmi center for checking trains at Kuopio (shall I take one in the evening, or one tomorrow morning?.
Going to Kuopio, taking the train for going to Helsinki.

The reality was: I didn't find the tourist Info at Iisalmi (once more due to my too old tourist guide...), so I went on. Rain started only a few minutes later. And for the first time it was terribly, going in the rain. it was quite heavy raining, it didn't stop even for one second, and the road I wanted to take (and took) was unsurfaced, so it wasn't much fun, nor for my bike neither for me.
After 25 km (2 h ?) I was wet, wet, wet, like I only was at Pyhänta. But at Pyhäntä I was at the aim, and here I was just in the middle of the road...

I decided to stop at Lapinlathi, maybe for drying a bit, maybe for getting some information over there (because there was a train station). And I got information over there: "There is leaving a train to Helsinki in 20 minutes"... I didn't think much about it, and decided to stop my trip right here...

I was going by bike now for exactly four weeks... no, I admit, minus 40 minutes...

I just changed the contents of Backpack and Bicyclepacks, so I had in my backpack some dry clothes for changing and something to eat in the train. The journey will last about 6 h...

The service for bicycles was quite comfortably, even though I was very excited, because at Kouvola I had only 8 mins to change to the next train. And I even got more excited on the train, because it had a delay... of about 20 mins...

So I asked another man, who seemed to leave the train at Kouvola, if he also was going to Helsinki. And he told me, that the train is going to wait for us... At least...
But even better, when I got off the train, the conducter was just at my bike and carried my Sidepacks to the other train... Wow, what a service. (Even if he didn't speak one word english - once more. It was quite difficult to explain him, that I just paid the supplement for my bike at the trainstation in Lapinlahti (by the way: Lapinlahti means "Lapland Bay"... here in the south? strange...) )

Some thoughts later I arrived at Helsinki, in the beautiful evening sun. After having got a city map (thanks to the map dispenser, which I still know from Sverige...) I tried to get to the Campsite. It's at a distance of about 12 km from city center, and the way over there wasn't easy to find. But finally I got it (with some detours in sports centres and harbours...). And luckily I got the very last place for tents... And so the camping seemed: One tent right next to the other one... Nearly like at NovaRock... with a very international population.

So, tonight nothing else but cooking, and sleepin, I thought. But...

once more, my plans changed... *g*

Sitting in the open kitchen (so with only a roof over some benches), cooking, eating, having tea... It wasn't as fresh as some days before, but cold enough for having tea...
And then, like a déjà-vue, a girl, quite the same age as I was, asked me, if she maybe could have one of my tea-bags ... for having some tea as well... I had to laugh... because obviously I'm not the only one who started a trip to finland without some teabags... so I prepared her something hot to drink... ;o)

Two or three teas later we were talking about so many things... as Linnéa (from Germany) had done a bike trip through New Zealand, was working in film industry, is as crazy as I am, we were talking very, very long... And decided to go to the city center tomorrow together...

Inbetween I phoned David, the austrian guy I met in the bus to lake Inari, and we made an appointment for tomorrow in the afternoon/evening. So I wasn't even 6 hours at Helsinki, and my Program for tomorrow was fixed... ;o)

Here the only photos I took in that day:

dawn at 4.30. My neighbours got up and away, and woke me up. just worth this photo...

I took this picture on purpose for showing you Finnland in the rain.

That's how the day ended at Helsinki. I did well taking the train for running away of rain weather

Sonntag, 10. August 2008

Beeing Adopted

Manamansalo - Iisalmi ~ 130 km

For the first time for a long while sun was shining for breakfast! I got up at 8.30 and started at 10.30.

There was bright sunshine, wind and heavy rain, the weather let me try all varieties it can offer in this day. At Vuolijoki little shopstop (I'm looking forward to my fridge sometimes, for not have to go shopping every day...), lunch was about 50 km later (at km 80-90), because of the rain, and because of a friendly man, who adopted me on street for some kilometers: he was going with his racing bicycle, and offered me his splitstream (? Windschatten) without words. He just went right in front of me and took a little care of me. Nice... But as he was cycling only 2-3 days, he had much less luggage, and with his racing bike he had a little advantage. So it was impossible for me following him. What a pity...

However, before I reached Sukeva I had lunch on a very small road parallel to the main road. There was shadow in the wood (of course...) and as it was quite fresh, I was looking for a place to have lunch in the sun. And I found it: It was right in the middle of the street... So I just stopped and sat down... not in the middle of the street, but just on the road. And for this half an hour there wasn't passing one car...

I wanted to stay at one of two campsites right behind Sukeva. But I didn't. Once more I changed my plans. As I couldn't decide which one I should take, I carried on with cycling - until Iisalmi, 35 additional km.

And it was over there at Iisalmi, where I found some more straw- and raspberries... So: Stop obligatory... Isn't there any sticker for my bike: "Will brake for berries!" ?

The campsite was quite big, and quite strange, once more. It was at the same time an exhibition place for wooden sculptures. They were placed all over the campsite. It was at the riversite, and this time I placed my tent in the way, that tomorrow the sun could wake me up, shining onto/into my tent.

In the evening (LATE in the evening... about 10.00 pm) I started cooking. People were looking at me quite strange... However, while cooking I recharged my battery for the camera. After cooking, eating, washing the dishes, it needed some more time for charging... So, what could I do? I just wrote my diary before while having a coffe and re-warming myself at the Cafè at the reception. As I nearly didn't have any chocolate today, I just decided to make a Choco-Fondue, right for passing time. I cut a banana, an orange and some dried plums, melted the chocolate an ... mmmmhhh! ... and got to bed only at... 1am?

Finally I made my plans, when to take the train to go back to Helsinki. Tomorrow will be the last day travelling with my bike. Wow. A little bit I was also sad, but as I wanted to stay some days at Helsinki, there was no other possibility.

I can still remember moments (while going in direction Northcape) in which I was thinking about what to do after having reached the aim. I remember thoughts like "I will be so glad, if I don't have to sit on my bike for some days". I remember thoughts about going back to Helsinki directly and then travelling with train. I never thought, I would love so much going by bike. And after all, I think I'm going to miss my bike in the next few days...

having lunch in the middle of the road

typical landscape in the south of Finland

Click: njam...

(PS: Photos, somehow, are now always quite the same as I just showed you some. Therefore there are always so few pictures in the last days...)

Samstag, 9. August 2008


Ristijärvi - Manamansalo ~ 70 km

For breakfast - what a variety - wind and rain. can't believe it... Somehow I depurted "already" at 11 am... But then ... finally a good surprise: Wind comes from the back! And suddenly I wished I would have got up earlier... ;o)

And it was so strong that I really could feel it... "Le vent nous portera", on of the last songs of the trip playing on "Repeat" in my mind for the whole day...

This time I had better luck with my capabilities reading maps: I managed to find the right way, even if it was quite difficult. Finnish cycle pathes are marked every few hundred meters, if you don't have nothing to do than to go straight ahead on the street no. 5, for example. But if you have to leave a very large road and to take a very small way, there is no sign. So topographic accordance is the only hint (not even signs - it was a grey road...).

The street was very, very beautiful. I guess, not many tourists get lost in this streets (but maybe there are ... I'm not so special, as I learned at Pokka).

Not having any problem today, I arrived at the camping at 15.30... I thought about doing 50 more km, but the next Camping is at 100 km, so... stop here. The next question: Do I stay at a campsite with view of the east or of the west? Sunrise or sunset? I decided for the western Camping site, right in the national park, even if it has to be more expensive... Even if the weather wasn't so fine, but optimistic as I am... maybe there will be some sun later... So I put up my tent really right next to the beach, with an awsome view of the lake. It seemed more to be the sea than a lake...

So, what now? I was in a really good mood, I didn't wan't to stay here at the campsite, so I went to the reception, and asked, if it is allowed to go by bike through the national park. The answer was: "Yes, maybe, I don't now. I think it's not prohibited, but, however, I would not do this, because the roads are too bumpy". Yes, maybe, but that was not the question...

It was SO BEAUTIFUL going there... It was for the first time, that I left my luggage somewhere and cycled nearly weightlessly... it was more like hovering, than driving. I had a rest at the lakes, met lots of blue berries and cranberries, the colours of the national park were great. A little offroad with my "Mountain Bike". Streets were getting smaller, and smaller, and smaller... and at the end it wasn't a street but only a wooden bar to go over a swamp... (and of course I fell down over there, I was just too carefree and effusive... but the mosses were soft, and I didn't get hurt (other than austrian trenches (Graben) next to the street... ;o) )
However, it was just the right adventure after that short stage of today.

And at the evening I was happy about my optimism: Sun appeared and offered a wonderful sunset. It took (I think) one and a half hour for the sun to disappear... And I took lots of pictures... ;o) It wasn't so cold, because there was absolutely no wind.

So I decided to wash my hair, with no risk of getting too cold and therefore ill. But...

But when I came back from the shower, there was quite a storm. And it was so strong, that when I laid in my tent, it pushed the "wall" in my face, so I had to rearrange my mobiliar, putting the heavy bags windward against the door, so I could at least breath while sleeping... I thought, it might be hard to fall asleep with this noise of the wind... I thought this for about 2 mins, then I didn't think anything more ... *zzzz*

Fichtenbarometer - spruce barometer: Tell me something new...

At the campsite

Finnland0781 Finnland0782 Finnland0785 Finnland0796
at the national park

It was in a strange way very colorful...

no comment... such things exist only in Finnland...

Finnland0809 Finnland0811
right the view out of my tent...

Finnland0832 Finnland0842

Freitag, 8. August 2008

Some little Detours

Suomussalmi - Ristijärvi ~ 80 km

Once more the day didn't end as I expected...

Once more I really didn't want to get out of my tent... there was still wind, and it reminded me on yesterday's stage... So, against my will I got up, and only at 11.30 I departed.

At Suomussalmi City I went to the supermarket for refill food supply ... and as everytime in this region I tried those Karelian Pirogg's (Piirakka) in several varieties... with rice, and potatoes, and with carrots... I like them very much, and as I'm at home now, I already googled for recipes...

Going along the street, somehow I got the feeling, I missed the street... My feeling was right, but it was only a small detour of 2 kilometers. Now, paying more attention to the road map, I found a street, that must have been the right one. As I (once more) took the bicycle path I didn't see the signs which cities are in this direction, but from the topography I thought, this one must be the right one. Looking always on the left (because there should come a branch-off (Abzweigung)) I went on. For some kilometers. For too much kilometers? Seems so... Once more my feeling told me, something isn't right. and once more my feeling was right. I really should trust my feelings; I should have learnt this on some previous holiday trips until now.

Only at kilometer 17 I had the proof: I'm on the right way! But I missed the branch-off... Having a look at the map I decided to go on, do a little detour in this direction, than having done a little detour and now going back the same route... All in all it was a detour of about 18 kilometers. It was nice going over there as well, but somehow it wasn't that motivating... (me getting lost... it's never motivating... ;o) ).

So now I had to decide what to do: Initially I wanted to go directly to Manamansalo, a semi-island in the lake Oulu, for visiting (and stay for overnight at) the national park over there. But with this detour and few motivation I decided to stop at Ristijärvi. So that would mean, a short stage for today, and a short stage for tomorrow. Ok.

As I suddenly had plenty of times, I decided to make a lunch break not just in the middle of nowhere next to the street, but to look for a nice place at the lake Hyrynjärvi. Just a little driving in direction of the lake (a very small detour, once more) after searching an adapted place [note while writing this: strange, now the right words come in italian to me, and I use a dicionary to translate them in german words for then using the dictionary to translate them in english...] only for a short while, I found the perfect place. (look pictures - no further comment)

In the evening, at the Camping at Ristijärvi, it was quite cold. Instead of drinking cold beer one is now drinking hot tea.

On this day, for the first time during my trip, somehow I was looking forward to arrive at home. Not in the sense: "When will I FINALLY be at home?!?" But in the sense: "Ok, I would enjoy if I came home now." All the worries were gone. A good sign for my life in Austria...

There was a wedding at the Restaurant of the camping, and it was much fun, hearing some tipical austrian waltz with finnish words... ;o) I thought, that is going to be a loooong evening. However, I got to bed quite early, even if I had a dance-itch to scratch ... all those foxtrott, tango, waltz, rumba, samba, jive....(of course all with finnish lyrics) my feet were moving to the beat of the music: while cooking, while having a shower, in my sleepingbag ... It's quite a long time ago, when I have danced the last time... But surprisingly the night wasn't that long. I got up in the night (too much tea...), at about 3 am, and it was over.

Click: about cliches: did you ever notice, that only one is carrying a backpack?

Finnland0740 Finnland0743
the perfect place for enjoying lunch

Just a tree stump somewhere next to the street. But what a funny form...

Click: Tree Stump

No, that's not sunset. that's only at about 6 pm...

... it's just a very strange light. That's the sun, not the moon...

Donnerstag, 7. August 2008

Attention! Donkey Husbandary Area! *)

Hossa – Suomussalmi ~ 90 km

Right the opposite of the stage yesterday was today: My hip hurts, my tendons hurt, I had 75 out of 90 km of strong wind in my face. Everybody who would have read the thoughts going throgh my mind on that day, would never in their lives start a trip like this.

I really was doubting, if I would reach the Campsite at Suomussalmi, even if I wanted to go further that day (Yes of course I knew I would, but I didn't really believe...)

And even if I really didn't feel fine today, it's everytime astounding how Finnland can recompense things that it does to you. Weather wasn't very fine that day, but when I reached Suomussalmi, sun came out from behind the clouds, offers you a color explosion. And the only thing you do, is stopping, getting of the bike, admiring this picture, saying: „How BEAUTIFUL it is“ and imediately you forget every effort you have gone through.

Nights start getting really cold, and also really dark. For the first time I'm using my flash light for writing my diary. The camping is much fun, instead of reindeers you can find geese and donkey walking around. The drinking water is slightly yellow, construction machinery are standing all over the site. But the view and the sunset were beautiful.

*) A Hommage to: "Attention: Reindeer Husbandary Area" (Rentierzuchtgebiet)

... and how to eat Blueberry Jam: in proper style on "mjykt bröd"

having lunch in the middle of nowhere No. 893

At rivers like this you can find a grilli for everyone to use (the pictures are not so nice, so you just see the river....)

Silta over Salmi

He's moving around just like he wants to...

Finnland0723 Finnland0729
Sunset, not just for me...

Mittwoch, 6. August 2008

Speed Cycling, Part 2

Karhujärvi - Hossa ~ 160 km

What a day!!
First I restarted a normal day/night rhythm, I got up and started the trip at 10.30, with a challenge against myself: As for the first 86 km I just had to cycle along the same street no. 5, I bet me (ich wette mit mir selbst), if I could do it with an average of more than 20 (with a break for having lunch at km 60) (for telling the truth, it was just a little trick: Now, after traveling three weeks I know something more about me: when I start a day cycling relaxed, I won't go far, because of me beeing not in a mood for to restart serious cycling in the afternoon. When I start with a tense speed, I'll keep it until the afternoon. klingt komisch, ist aber so. (sounds strange, but it is like that). therefore the speed cycling challenge...)
And I did. Having lunch somewhere on the street I saw my first (and last) Multebeere (fin.: lakka, sw.: hjortron, eng.:???sorry) the famous berries that grow only in nordic lands like Sweden, Finland and Norway (as I could proof in a beautiful Foto...), whereof there is made the famous finnish Lapponia-Liqueur. I tried it, but it doesn't taste very good (the berry, not the Liqueur...;o). Maybe it wasn't mature at all, but if you know berries only of fotos, it's difficult...

Traffic was getting more while getting closer to Kuusamo (and therefore getting more southern). Time to leave it and take smaller street, which I did about 15 km behind Kuusamo. Unsurfaced roads restarted, and as everytime I like this very much... The next challenge for that day: can I go 160 km a day? I wanted to stay at Hossa, a camping in a national park...

I was pedaling and pedaling, and suddenly one damned mosquito got into my eyes (yeah, I'm missing my sunglasses... just for wearing them during dusk...). I couldn't get it out, so I had to stop. When I finally could see something, I realized, that i stopped right in a „blue berry plantage“! Wow! Thank you, you da... you mosquito!

As I'm not only keen on chocolate, as one can think, but also on blueberries, I just HAD to get off my bike, even if it was quite late (i think it was about 6.30 pm) and I had a little way to go (35 km), but I just had to collect at least some of them. As I do a little cooking also on camping (how someone learned at northcape) and one can never have enough jam (as I learned at northcape) I decided to make myself some blueberry jam for tomorrow breakfast... I don't know, how long I was collecting blueberries, mosquitoes started eating me, and the blue color of the berries I didn't have only on my fingers and on my tounge, but also in the face beause of wiping them away...

Enthusiastic as I was in that moment, those last 35 km passed like flying, even without Condor. I was happy smiling, screaming because of joy, I just felt soooo good. (with a little help of some endorphines? ;o)

I arrived at the camping only at 9.30, I think. But at all, I have done 160 km with an average of 18. Yes, there were nearly no stops to look at the map today, and this I can notice every day, also on the average...

The camping seemed more to be a spa resort than a camping. The sauna was right next to the shower, and as it was so late, there was nobody. Because of having cold for the first time for about 14 years I really got into the sauna, a thing that I refuse every weekend at home.... I wasn't in quite long, but those relaxing 5 minutes were fine.

After that I just cooked dinner. while eating I was writing my tripdiary, and just after that I prepared my jam (a second cooking pot would have been useful, but not even in the kitchen I could find one), starting at midnight...

Once more during that trip I felt really alive, with the satisfying feeling, that I have enough power and energy to reach the aims I put myself, and do additional some jam... but after all, bed was sooo fine...

Everyone who could have read the thoughts going through my mind on that day, would take his bicycle and start a trip like that on the next day.

Click: One more beautiful view of one more beautiful lake... must be boring...

Having lunch right next to Street No. 5. Doesn't look like that, right?
My one and only "lakka" I found...

silent lake
I called them "Flockenblume". They were indicator for wet ground...

A wooden house - not red ;o)
Click: Believe it or not: those are all mosquitos...
Blueberries! Guys, there ARE blueberries 35 km to Hossa!
There was a foto quite similar to that, wasn't it?
I guess they were thinking something like: "Is she crazy?"
still life at night
How to make some blueberry jam...
Bring blueberry with a little water to boil, mash it partially, add enough sugar, cook for 5-10 mins, that's it! Buon appetito!

Dienstag, 5. August 2008

From Lake to Lake

Pyhäjärvi - Karhujärvi ~ 110 km

Initially I wanted to do 150 km that day, but at the end I just didn't want to, so I stopped one camp site earlier.

Today I left the E75, because I wanted to do 15 km on unsurfaced road. As unsurfaced roads in the finnish cycle-maps are marked with a broken line (strichliert), and I didn't pay enough attention, I realized only when the street finished in the lake, that not only the cycle path, but also the street was broken... I would have loved to see my face in that moment, I was quite amazed. But as there was a little ferry I could go to the other waterside - as the one and only passenger!

Weather is getting warmer, for lunch you can sit down without freezing. In the evening for the first time since Karasjok I was wearing only a TShirt (I admit, more because of defiance (Trotz) than because of having hot ;o).

It was also the first time, that I didn't have to use Mygga here in Finland... It was also the first time, that I wanted to cook outside on my cooker and not into the kitchen. There was no wind today... But... There wasn't any gas in the Cartridge... I don't know where it is gone... I just uses my cooker as little as possible for saving gas and therefore I was cooking very often at the campsite kitchens, and now? The last time I used it at Olderfjord, and I didn't remember that it stopped burning... so something is wrong with it... However, dinner was fine...

Just passing by... I did that foto

No, this is not a lake. It's only a River (Kemijoki right before Kemijärvi

Perfect Harmony of Colours: Sky, River, and ... Railwaybridge

A hommage to... : Thank you for offering me shelter during some rain...

no need for words

I wish, our schools were nice as those finnish are...


click: The end of the street...

Just thinking...

If you make fotos only on campsites, the album would be nice as well...

Oh man, kitschig - but it's really like this...

What nice reflections of the sun...

some tresses on a birch stem

"Same procedure as last day?" - "Same procedure as every day!"

Montag, 4. August 2008

Just for me...

Voimala - Pyhäjärvi ~ 130 km

Same as yesterday: at 11.45 I started my bicycle day. 3 hours later I arrived at Sodankylä, for having some money, some food, some Voltaren (I don't know if it was just because I obviously was a bike tourist, or it is always like that in Finnland, but I didn't need a prescription from a doctor...and one does in Austria...) and some Internet at the tourist info.
The last days I followed the Route E75, and it was quite unspektacular. just going straight ahead, I didn' have to look at the maps. Somehow it's nice because your thoughts can go strolling around, but I was glad when I could leave this street for some more adventurous streets. I passed some more Winter sport ressorts (dead...) until I reached Pyhäjärvi („Holy lake“). The camping site was beautiful, as nearly every finnish and norvegian campsite is: with a beautiful view of the lake... with a beautiful sunset, which I looked at without taking pictures, just to have it for me...
When I was at the reception, where I could use the internet for free (what a service!), the owner came to me and told me, that it would be very cold tonight, and if i wanted, i could stay in the 1-mökki (that act as kitchen and toilet for those who stay there with tent. Don't miss the chance! So I could decide, which of the eight beds i wanted to use. Very nice, also because I could recharge my battery for the camera...
After having some tea I sank to bed and fell asleep immediately – at about 1 am... like all days now...

I was wearing this all for the night...

A small hiking path across the swamp

Click: Ya, right, once more... red, finnish houses...

The first "don't-panic"- Reindeer I saw!

Click: birch in backlight


Click: Broken cork screw tree

This is right the camping...

Click: Once more

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As-salâmu 'alaikum

koerndl around the world

Adventure Marokko (2010)

As usual during summer I'm leaving for some adventures, this year I hope to find them in Marocco. With 3 friends and a LandRover I'm exploring once more a different culture. Leave with us!

Adventure China (2009)

This summer, one country, but some more time, some more km... once more, my bike, my tent and I, we are going to live and travel faaaaar way from home. Follow me ;)

Adventure Finland (2008)

In this summer I don't intended nothing else but going by bike from Helsinki to Northcape. In case of me having some Internet there might be some news.

Last Updates

Moving to...
As I don't have enough space for blogging on here (3...
koerndl - 2. Jul, 15:34
Up and Away
Helsinki Vantaa - Järvenpää Here we go! After spending...
koerndl - 25. Feb, 10:34
Lots of Lakes
Asikkala - Korpilahti ~130 km I got up early this...
koerndl - 25. Feb, 10:33
Trapped in Tikkakoski
Korpilahti - Äänekoski ~100 km After my experience...
koerndl - 25. Feb, 10:32

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